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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Maui County Council and Transient Vacation Renatls have no agreement "contract"

The Maui Vacation Rental Association's (MVRA) position that they have a "contract" to operate with the Maui County Council based on the county's loose zoning enforcement, was denied by U.S. District Court, Deputy Corporation Counsel (DCC) Jane Lovell, who wrote the MVRA does not have sufficient foundation to sue for an injunction. The MVRA argued that an agreement outlined in a letter from former Planing Director John Min, as a "contract," but the (DCC) countered that all county contracts must be reviewed for form and legality by the corporation counsel and signed by the mayor, and that the agreement Min noted in writing were merely minutes of a meeting, and not a "contract".

The controversy continues .... stay tuned.



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