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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Honua'ula needs more water for affordable units.

Honua'ula (formerly known as Wailea 670) needs more water to service a proposal of 250 rental units, which is part of its affordable housing commitment. The affordable rental project is proposed for a 13-acre site off Ohukai Road in an area zoned light industrial. As proposed, it would count against the 700 affordable housing units that the Honua'ula project is committed to provide. The affordable rentals are aimed at providing for lower-income families in an apartment complex.
The Dept. of Water director, Jeff Eng said it could be several years before the department develops a new source of water. Eng explained that a 2-inch would not be enough water to service peak usage times. A 2-inch line would only allow 64 showers out of at least 250 total showers at one time.
The Land Use Committee continues to review the project, and there will be more meetings regarding possibilities in Honua'ula and its affordable housing commitment soon.



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