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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Real Estate Agents Fiduciary Responsibilites Questioned

2008 started with stock markets plummeting around the world. This distracted many people from the ongoing credit crises, and brought about fear and a panic sell off, which resulted in huge losses over only a few days trading.

In the Campaign debates there is much reference to what can be done to keep homeowners in their homes, and who is most likely to achieve it. As many homeowners, feeling poor from the loss of equity in their homes, and the loss of asset value in the stock market, sit and watch all this going on around them, they have begun to ponder: how did I get here ?

With home prices falling in almost all parts of the country over the last eighteen months, in some places double digit declines, here comes the the next question: Was my realtor negligent, or did he/she fail in their fiduciary responsibilities when representing the value, or the future value of a home ? If so, what can I do about it ?

Well, articles like these are seen more frequently, and if there is ever a conviction, then realtors, watch out, and be very careful of what you say !

Stay tuned ......


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